
Want to put your brand in front of the biggest names in UK General Insurance? Take a look at the sponsorship opportunities available at this year’s Insurance Times Awards. Sponsorship guarantees brand exposure that isn’t just limited to the event. You’ll benefit from extensive coverage in the magazine, on the website, and in promotional materials about the Awards. Get in touch with the team below to find out more about the sponsorship opportunities available at this year’s Insurance Times Awards.

Only one brand can be headline sponsor of the Insurance Times Awards. You’ll enjoy exponential brand building and exposure to the UK GI market. Your brand will feature exclusively in key promotions and in editorial. The Awards night and all pre and post-event coverage will be awash with your logo as part of a prominent seven-month marketing programme.

Benefits include:
Sponsor company logo to be featured in prime position on all awards literature and at least 50% bigger than all other sponsor logos
Full page advert in Insurance Times magazine
Area for private drinks reception at the Award ceremony
Branded video interview with category winners

Sponsoring a specific award category brings you within reach of key market sectors. A seven-month marketing programme ensures high brand visibility across editorial and advertising campaigns with prominent branding opportunities on the Awards night, including presenting the award for your sponsored category on stage and a dedicated networking area for you to meet your guests.

Benefits include:

  • Exclusive branding throughout the presentation of your chosen category – no other company logos will be displayed on screen at this time
  • Prominent branding throughout the evening, including company logo displayed on screen, in rotation
  • A senior executive presenting the award on stage to the winner
  • Full page advertisement in the official awards programme
  • 1 table of 10 seats, including three-course dinner and half bottle of wine per guest
  • Dedicated networking area to meet and greet guests during the evening
There are a number of exclusive ambient sponsorship opportunities enabling you to sponsor a wide range of activities, including bars, the photobooth, the DJ, the band, or even the red carpet. You’ll benefit from branding throughout the seven-month marketing campaign as well as on the Awards night.

Benefits include:

  • Full page advertisement in the Awards commemorative e-edition
  • Sponsor profile and logo to appear in the Awards commemorative e-edition
  • Branding as a sponsor in marketing collateral published after the event by Insurance Times

Get in touch with the team below to find out more about the sponsorship opportunities available at this year’s Insurance Times Awards.

Aisha Roberts
Head of Commercial
020 7618 3408

Chris Pottinger
Commercial Development Manager
07809 123446